
Parliamentary Research Digest September 2024

Volume : Volume#11, Issue#9

ANALYSIS: Navigating Social Impact of Unregulated Migration, Page 01. PARLIAMENTARY PAPER: Parliamentarians for Global Action: An Introduction, Page 09. OPINION: Parliamentary Whips: Roles and Responsibilities, Page 12. PARLIAMENTARY BUSINESS: National Assembly of Pakistan passed unanimous Resolution condemning Israeli oppressions in Palestine, Page 20. PARLIAMENTARY BUSINESS: Senate of Pakistan passed unanimous Resolution expressing solidarity with Kashmiri […]

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Briefing Paper No. 5- CPEC AND ML1 project

A major infrastructure project under the China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the ML-1 (Main Line 1) project aims to modernize Pakistan’s railway network, particularly its main rail artery from Karachi to Peshawar. With an estimated cost $6.8 billion, this project is expected to improve Pakistan’s transportation capabilities, shorten travel time and boost the effectiveness […]

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Briefing Paper No: 04 State of the Economy and Appraisal of the Federal Budget 2024-25

Pakistan’s economy faces a mixed picture in 2023-24, with a reduced current account deficit and positive GDP growth rate of 2.4%. However, the manufacturing sector continues to decline, and inflation remains high. The budget deficit may exceed targets, and external inflows have been lower than projected. The living conditions of people have been severely affected […]

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Briefing Paper No: 03 Women Peacebuilders advancing Sustainable Peace

Twenty four years ago in the year 2000, the UN Security Council adopted SCR 1325, the first resolution on women, peace, and security (WPS). This resolution is a significant milestone as it establishes a connection between women and the peace and security agenda. The Security Council has adopted an additional nine resolutions on WPS after […]

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Briefing Paper No:02 Defining and Measuring Democracy for Parliament’s Pro-People Initiatives and Reforms

Democracy can be perceived as a set of principles and practices that institutionalize and ultimately Protect freedom of the people. The word democracy derives from two Greek words, demos that means “the ordinary people,” and the kratos refers “to rule.” It is also conceived as a “form of regime that derives from popular sovereignty in […]

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Briefing Paper No:1 Government Budget and the Current Economic State: Challenges and the Way Forward

Pakistan’s economy faces challenges in achieving sustainable growth, with a GDP growth rate averaging below 5% over the past five decades. The country struggles with macroeconomic imbalances, including fiscal and current account deficits, and inflation rates averaging 10.4% over the past two decades. Investment-to-GDP ratio has declined since1992, and public expenditure on health and education […]

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